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Who Am I?

Hello there.


   My name is Tamra. I commonly go by CanisInsanine or IamBagel58 on social websites, but here I'll refer to myself as Tamra. My fiance will be called either Michael or Skug.

   I am currently an 18 year old student, still in highschool, trying to get my last credits to graduate. My hobbies include reading, writing, and drawing, along with some choice video games, and of course, a lot of online activities. I love creating and keeping up with websites like this one, and I plan to pursue a career in web design or Webmastering after high school.

Why Am I Writing?

   Writing is my passion. It's more than that, though, it's who I am. I've always been writing, for as long as I can remember I've been making up stories in my head and writing them out on paper during whatever chance I got. There was just one problem.

   I wasn't very good at it.

   Now don't get me wrong, I didn't realize this until much, much later on in life, but writing isn't something that comes easy to me. It's difficult, and I have to work really hard to get my ideas out on paper in a concretely comprehensive and creative way. I've had to look up many, many, many articles on the art of writing in order to get to the level that I'm at currently, but I know that I still have a lot of work to do. 

   I prefer to write fiction, using information that I've gained through school and my own personal research to create a wild and largely believable tale about things that just aren't physically possible in our world. I love the creativity that this genre allows, and I take advantage of it every moment I can.

Let's Dig a Little Deeper...

   I was born the day after Halloween in a small town in the New England area of the United States. I ended up going to three different elementary schools before high school. In 8th grade, I met Michael, and a few months later we started dating, and have been together ever since.

   I'm a very quiet, introverted person, preferring strongly to participate in individual work and solitary activities as opposed to group things. It takes a lot for someone to gain my trust, which makes friend making even harder.

Do You Want to Contact Me?

   So, for one reason or another, you want to contact me. There are a few options with which you can do this...


   I don't check this daily, but I do frequently enough.



   I check my DA account daily, but can't always respond quickly.




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