Inside the Mind
Create Your Own Adventure
What is a CYOA? According to Wikipedia, it is "...[a] story [that] is written from a second-person point of view, with the reader assuming the role of the protagonist and making choices that determine the main character's actions and the plot's outcome." Basically, it is a piece of interactive fiction.
It seems as though the internet took an interest in them, and some amazing people decided to make some of their own, and toss them out there for the world to enjoy!
I take no ownership of any of the images or information included on the CYOA images that I use on here, and any of my stories spawned from them will be free for anyone to read and enjoy, even as I write them. That being said, though, they have been acquired from multiple different sources, and if there isn't credit given on the images themselves, I will not be able to include any. I don't want to accidentally credit the wrong person for making it if they didn't, and rob the true creator of what's theirs.
I hope you enjoy! All buttons to the right take you to the page with the CYOA image(s) on it. They will also be linked in the stories that I use them in, if I do write one from it.