- T H E - O N E - W H O - S T A R T E D - I T - A L L -
- A N D - T H E - O N E - W H O - M A D E - I T - H A P P E N -
My name is Tamra. I am 18 years old and have been drawing (and writing) for as long as I can remember. When I discovered the world of ownable characters, I fell head over heels. I loved the idea of creating - or otherwise acquiring - a character to use and draw and write about over and over and over again. It started on Chickensmoothie.com, and I quickly got addicted to the idea of a closed species. Makoatls, a species owned currently bu Cole and Juliette Stargazer, became a huge addiction for me, and with their move to Deviantart.com, I followed suit. Now I have over 55 Makoatls, and numerous other characters that I need to keep a bit more organized.
Michael is my boyfriend of 4 years, who has stood behind me and supported me through everything, and helped me figure out who I am as a person in this busy, confusing life. Without him, nothing would be possible.