- T H E - R E A L M - O F - C E C A T L -
- J a s a r i - K a t e r i -
- F R O M - A L L - O V E R - C E C A T L -
Realm of Cecatl - Owner: DragonPud
| H o m e | I a m B a g e l 5 8 | M a p | O v e r v i e w | F A Q |
Cecatl is a fantasy roleplaying group, where you will find myths and cultures, building technology, and ancient magics! You can adopt a variety of creatures, play through and develop a vibrant world, build relationships, and ultimately discover and create a story of your own.
I joined this group in early 2016, but fell out of it for a long time due to personal issues irl. Now I'm hopping back in and picking up right where I left off, now that I have a lot more free time and the ability to just realx and spend time on something like this.
My characters (Jasari, Lupa, and Pajackok) are all created and designed by me, but meet their respectful species specifications to fit into the world of Cecatl. The drakkari and familiars were not designed by me, their artists can be found using their individual links.
Birth Name: Jasari Kateri
Pronunciation: "juh-SAR-ee kuh-TEHR-ry"
Nickname(s): Jay, J
Title(s): n/a
Race: Peary Caribou Werekin
Accent: Iscarii
Ethnicity: Shapeshifter/Fisherwoman
Age: 19
Age Bracket: Adolescent
Gender: Female
Hometown: Striest
Current Residence: Small docks near Messina
Guilds: n/a
Rank/Occupation: Fisher
Faction/House Banner: n/a
First Impressions: Iscaelin or Werebeast (misunderstood)
Hair Color: Muted Grayish Brown
Hair Style: Usually worn down, slightly wavy
Eye Color: Blue
Facial Features: Heart-shaped face, pale skin
Height: 5'6"
Weight: About 125lb
Build: Thin, elegant
Scars: n/a
Tattoos: n/a
Jewelry: Gemstone Medallion
General Attire: Turtleneck, sweater, trousers, boots, scarf
Formalwear: Long skirt, long-sleeved blouse, fur cloak
Nature/Temperament: Quiet, introverted, generous
- Fishing
- Drakkari
- Reading
- Card Games
One thing she cannot live without: Water
- Overly Social Events
- Extended Travel
- Distrustful of Merchants
- War
One thing she cannot stand: People who don't get hints
- A B I L I T I E S -
Stamina: 5 / Agility: 4 / Strength: 2 / Smarts: 4
Primary Skills: (These are the baseline of magical learnings)
Potioneering: - / Healing: - / Spellcrafting: -
Elemental/Main Magical Types:
Pyromancy: - / Imbrimancy: 1 / Terramancy: - / Circimancy: - / Lumimancy: - / Vitamancy: -
Atramancy: - / Fulmimancy: - / Silvamancy: - / Sanguimancy: - / Ritualism: -
Forbidden Arts: (must be learned from a Guild or otherwise earned/explained)
Caedomancy: - / Dolormancy: - / Animancy: - / Pareomancy: - / Mutaremancy: -
Element: Water (Imbrimancy)
: Gets seasick easily
: Has a hard time focusing on using magic
: Very forgetful
- F A M I L Y -
Mother: Imari (caribou werekin)
Father: Oshkan (otter werekin)
- Sister (Oolayah, otter werekin)
-Brother (Nakad, caribou werekin)
Extended Family: n/a
- P O S S E S S I O N S -
Weaponry: n/a
Familiar: Brynja (Xalik)
Drakkari: Ripple (Albino Water Rook W014)
Other: wip
- H I S T O R Y -
Current/Basic Bio: Jasari's parents are very humble fishermen, and Jasari is expected, and plans,
to follow in their footsteps. She lives in a small house with a dock and small fishing boat
near Messina, and doesn't often travel to other towns without good reason.
Full History: Her parents met when they were young, and fell deeply in love with one another.
Their parents had both encouraged them to choose a house guild based on whatever
they wanted, but they decided to go off and become fishers instead. They settled in
a small home in Streist and started a family. Upon the birth of Jasari, they decided
that they should get a house near the shore, and did so, planning to fill the empty
rooms with a warm and loving family. Jasari took after her parents' optimism, and
tried her best to be outgoing and positive, but it became clear to Imari and Oshkan
that their first born daughter was not much of a social butterfly. They have raised
her and her siblings to accept and flourish in who they are, and to find their niche
in life and go for it. This has instilled an unwavering trust and emotional connection
between the entire family, and Jasari visits them as often as they do her.
Other: wip
- L u p a - A y l e n -
- H I S T O R Y -
Current/Basic Bio: She sells her carvings throughout thecontinent as a travelling merchant
once a year, during any season that pleases her. She has befriended a Taishogun, (name),
and often visits (him/her) in (Taishogun'shometown). and sends letters often.
Full History: Her father is a strong warrior belonging to House Muldama, as is her mother.
They are incredibly disappointed in her lack of care for war and have nearly kicked her from
the family entirely. Her grandmother, however, is very supportive of her, and has done what
she can her entire life to enable her to pursue the lifestyle she wants. She even bought Lupa
her current home, a luxurious house on the far peninsula that is home to the Teltyn Mountains.
She has lived there ever since, using the wonderous woods, filled with a variety of trees and
wildlife, to feed her love for gem and wood carving.
Other: wip
- A B I L I T I E S -
Stamina: 4 / Agility: 5 / Strength: 3 / Smarts: 3
Primary Skills: (These are the baseline of magical learnings)
Potioneering: - / Healing: - / Spellcrafting: -
Elemental/Main Magical Types:
Pyromancy: - / Imbrimancy: - / Terramancy: - / Circimancy: - / Lumimancy: - / Vitamancy: -
Atramancy: - / Fulmimancy: - / Silvamancy: 1 / Sanguimancy: - / Ritualism: -
Forbidden Arts: (must be learned from a Guild or otherwise earned/explained)
Caedomancy: - / Dolormancy: - / Animancy: - / Pareomancy: - / Mutaremancy: -
Element: Wood (Silvamancy)
: Highly Emotional - If she gets too angry or upset, she will shift to her dire form and likely attack someone.
: Ignorant of most social cues - dances to the beat of her own drum.
: Not easily trusting - it takes a lot to earn her trust, and you really have to earn it.
- F A M I L Y -
Mother: Rol (wolf werekin)
Father: Akretin (wolf werekin)
- Older brother (Fenthir, wolf werekin)
Extended Family: Paternal Grandmother (Muena, wolf werekin)
- P O S S E S S I O N S -
Weaponry: Bow, though she doesn't normally use it, preffering to attack in wereform or feral form.
Familiar: none yet
Drakkari: none yet
Other: wip
Nature/Temperament: Solitary, Confident, Empathetic
- Hiking
- Crystals
- Wood Carving
- Hunting
One thing she cannot live without: Nature
- Poachers
- Thieves
- Being Lost (Not common for her)
- Competition
One thing she cannot stand: Too-Hot Weather
First Impressions: Iscaelin or Werebeast
Hair Color: Dark Brown with a white streak in the front
Hair Length: Long, wavy
Eye Color: Gray
Facial Features: here
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120lb
Build: Agile, Thin
Scars: Jagged scar on her right shoulder
Tattoos: n/a
Jewelry: Silver Chain with a Teal Crystal Pendant
General Attire: Gray t-shirt, shorts, furred boots
Formalwear: Teal and white outfit with skirt and cloak
Birth Name: Lupa Aylen
Pronunciation: "LOOP-uh EYE-lehn"
Nickname(s): n/a
Title(s): n/a
Race: Wolf Werekin
Accent: Wereg
Ethnicity: Shapeshifter/Merchant
Age: 19
Age Bracket: Adolescent
Gender: Female
Hometown: Sajahuta
Current Residence: Easternmost point of Teltyn Mountains
Guilds: House Sco'cye
Rank/Occupation: Merchant (wood/gem carver)
Faction/House Banner: Gold and Jade
- P a j a c k o k - N a p a y s h n i -
- H I S T O R Y -
Current/Basic Bio: The last few years, Pajackok has been farming happily in his little
property in Tosgon, close to his family but far from their warrior influences. He has
become great friends with Lupa and is excited for her visits. He has left his mane and
tail hair grow long, and he almost looks like a hippy stallion because of it.
Full History: His parents, and all of his siblings, are hard-headed warrior horses. He
actually had a total of eight siblings, but three have passed away in wars already.
Jack is the youngest of his siblings, and the least confrontational. During his
childhood, he got along well with his siblings, but it quickly became known that
he wasn't the most prone to physical confrontations. He would much rather find
a verbal way of coming to some kind of resolution to any problem. He was taught to,
and excelled at, battle, however. His parents made sure he knew how to protect
himself and those he loves, but he was, and still is, very clumsy. Thankfully, by the
time he came of age, there were no wars that his parents would force him to fight in,
and he settled down in a small home in Tosgon.
Other: wip
- A B I L I T I E S -
Stamina: 4 / Agility: 2 / Strength: 5 / Smarts: 4
Primary Skills:
Potioneering: - / Healing: - / Spellcrafting: -
Elemental/Main Magical Types:
Pyromancy: - / Imbrimancy: - / Terramancy: 1 / Circimancy: - / Lumimancy: - / Vitamancy: -
Atramancy: - / Fulmimancy: - / Silvamancy: - / Sanguimancy: - / Ritualism: -
Forbidden Arts: (must be learned from a Guild or otherwise earned/explained)
Caedomancy: - / Dolormancy: - / Animancy: - / Pareomancy: - / Mutaremancy: -
Element: Earth (Terramancy)
: Rather clumsy
: No opposable thumbs (uses his mouth for moth things)
: anti-technology (steam engines, electricity, etc.)
- F A M I L Y -
Mother: Lena
Father: Urum
- Sisters (Opolan, Itrica, Hazel)
- Brothers (Kuru, Loschil)
Extended Family: n/a
- P O S S E S S I O N S -
Weaponry: His own custom-made armor
Familiar: none yet
Drakkari: none yet
Other: wip
Nature/Temperament: Talkative, Calm, Logical
- Farming
- Learning
- Interesting Rocks
- Rain
One thing he cannot live without: His peaceful home
- Conflict
- War
- Technology
- Thunder
One thing he cannot stand:
First Impressions: Hippy
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Way overgrown for a Taishogun
Eye Color: Blue
Facial Features: Black stripe down his nose
Height: 17.5hh
Weight: 1900lb
Build: Stocky, clumsy
Scars: n/a
Tattoos: n/a
Armor: Custom crafted silver with green stone inlaid
General Attire: Ratty black 'blanket'
Formalwear: Black and red silk and ribbons
Birth Name: Pajackok Napayshni
Pronunciation: "PAH-juh-koh nuh-PAY-shnee"
Nickname(s): Paj, Jack
Title(s): Sir
Race: Taishogun
Accent: Iscarii
Ethnicity: Taishogun/Farmer
Age: 22
Age Bracket: Adult
Gender: Male
Hometown: Bari
Current Residence: Tosgon
Guilds: House Lochesh
Rank/Occupation: Warrior, Farmer during times of peace
Faction/House Colors: Black and Red