- W E L C O M E -
- S O M E - S O R T - O F - E N D - M E S S A G E -
Although all sentients are given a translative serum (known as "knowing Juice") that allows them to speak and understand commid, there are many words in the world that do not translate easily to any other language. There may be words that are similar in meaning, but in order to fully comprehend the workings of Domum and those who live on its shore or beneath its waters, the Dictionary of Reference was made.
Here you will find the correct spelling, pronunciation, and official definitions of the many words that have allowed the unstable planet to exist fluidly throughout the centuries.
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- T h e - D i c t i o n a r y - o f - R e f e r e n c e -
Animid "AN-ih-mid" [ An animal-like non-sentient being that is native to Domum. ]
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Bire "bEYEr" [ Demon-like sentients. They have a much wider range of skin, hair, and eye colors, and have horns and black sclera, in addition to a tail with a blade-like formation at the end of it. Bire culture includes the excessive wearing of golden and copper jewelry and silk during formal occasions, and have gold or copper tattoos along their cheekbones and other parts of their body. ]
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Commids "COM-ids" [ Human-like sentients. They have no unnatural aspects, but some have small magical powers. This is very uncommon. Cultures of Commids vary greatly depending on geographical location. ]
Commid "COM-id" [ The language that is spoken and written by all of Domum, for the sake of a peaceful existence. Greatly resembles English speech and writing. ]
Creature "KREE-chur" [ An animal-like non-sentient being that is not native to Domum, but was cast through a Spot and unable to return. ]
Cymrix "SIM-riks" [ plural: Cymrixes; term used to identify the leader of a country. Similar to: President or King. ]
Catian "KAY-shun" [ Yellowish, dirty-looking gem, used as a form of currency. For more see the bottom of the Political Aspects page. ]
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Derterri "der-TAIR-ee" [ Centaur-like sentients. They have the torso and up of a Commid or Ogon, and the lower half of an Animid. Derterri culture varies from location to location, but they are normally very stubborn and focused on honor in battle. ]
Drakku "DRAH-koo" [ Animids that have been altered one way or another by the energy from Spots, which have made them appear Dragon-like. They do have wings. ]
Drake "DRAY-k" [ Animids that have been altered one way or another by the energy from Spots, which have made them appear Dragon-like. They do not have wings. ]
Drak "x" [ The general term for an altered animid, if it isn't clear whether it has wings or not. Also used to speak about a group of winged and wingless dragon-like altered animids. ]
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Fanerion "fuh-NAIR-ee-on" [ Small light gray metal in a square shape, used as a form of currency. For more see the bottom of the Political Aspects page. ]
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Goltan "gull-TAWN" [ Small, light yellow metal in a triangle shape, used as a form of currency. For more see the bottom of the Political Aspects page. ]
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Knowing Juice [ Serum developed by Domum's leading scientists to cure Outcast Syndrome. It allows the Outcast to understand and communicate using Commid speech, and allows their minds to cope with the drastic changes they've just been forced to endure. ]
Kedu "KAY-doo" [ A sentient who has honed and trained their skills to be a strong magic user. ]
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Lotra "LOW-truh" [ Large, bluish metal in a square shape, used as a form of currency. For more see the bottom of the Political Aspects page. ]
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Morphs [ Any sentient being that is able to shapeshift from one physical form to another. Commonly found to have a commid main form along with an Animid form. ]
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Ogon "OH-gawn" [ Commid-like sentients with colorful markings on their body. They have various underwater abilities, including the ability to shapeshift a shark-like tail for ease of swimming or even combat purposes, and a set of gills. ]
Outcast [ Any sentient being that was cast to Domum through a Spot and unable to return. ]
Osmelt "OZ-melt" [ Iridescent gem with magical properties, used as a form of currency. For more see the bottom of the Political Aspects page. ]
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Pygal "PIE-gull" [ Mandatory Creature companion. Every sentient is paired with one in order to retain a peaceful and safe environment for all. ]
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Spot [ Common term used to refer to the random portals that appear throughout Domum. ]
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Tiandu "tee-AHN-doo" [ Mermaid-like subaquaean sentients native to Domum. Normally have dark, thick scales and very pale Commid-like skin, torso, arms, and face. Dark hair is grown long and tied back somehow or kept very short to avoid resistance when swimming. Branched ears help with underwater hearing, and bright eyes have unnaturally good dark sight. ]
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