- V Y U U N I C S -
- F R O M - V A Y U S S - T O - H O M E -
- A k k o i -
What is a Vyuunic
Vyuunics are supernatural proto-avian creatures who possess great intelligence. They build large societies in order to survive the threats of the outside world, creating amazing tree top bound structures and deep earth communities. These creatures are terribly social and will often seek company, whether it be from other Vyuunics or other creatures they become friendly with.
About The Vyuunics:
- Warm-Blooded
- Their bodies are covered in small oval shaped feathers which commonly form a single layer over soft down and up to a few several, depending on the climate that the Vyuunic lives in.
- All have a crown, crest, wings, and some kind of tail tip, and most have horns.
- The vyuunic crest serves as a reactionary mechanism, it runs from the hairline down to the middle of their backs and can be any length. When cut, it will grow back. The grown will puff and rise when the Vyuunic is experiencing some form of strong emotion or they are trying to intimidate another. The crest is used in conjunction with the crown in order to attract mates as well as to ward off potential attackers.
- The crown grows at the base of the tail and splays out over the tail. Crowns serve the purpose of keeping balance while leaping from large heights and gliding. This is their main use, however, it has others.
- The wings grow along the forearm and are used for short term gliding. Wings can become very long and grow al the way to their shoulder blades, however they cannot offer flight. Wings have only been present in the Vyuunic gene in the past few millennia, and is regarded as technically a fairly new trait in the species, an evolutionary trait.
- The tail tips are a series of feathers that grow adjacent to the tail - these serve a purpose similar to the grown, that is to balance air flow. The tips and tufts are often altered, however, as they are an aesthetic focus. Same with the crest.
- Most Vyuunics have one or more horns. These horns are used for fighting, intimidation, and display. Vyuunics often adorn them for aesthetic reasons.
- Their teeth are not terribly large, but sometimes their canines can protrude from their mouths, both top and bottom.
- Their arms and hands are broad and strong, since they are vital for getting around. They have a very strong grip. Their fingers are well-jointed, which makes it easy for them to craft and handle small items and materials. They have retractable claws that are very sharp and hooked. They have three fingers and a thumb on each hand, and four toes on each foot.
- Their legs are exceptionally strong and are used as their most common means of physical defense. Jump kicking is common practice. These kicks can become fatal, especially if the dew claws are large.
- Communication: They are capable of a wide variety of language, but often use nonverbal cues including: Facial Expression, Ear Position, Painting, Chirping, Yipping, and Howling.
- Vyuunics do not generally travel alone.
- Vyuunics are a territorial species.
- Vyuunics are not born with an assigned sex, rather depending on conditions they develop these characteristics once they begin to reach the middle and end of adolescence.
- Alignment: (How it pertains to Akkoi only) Alignment does not define the Vyuunic, but is a genetic marker, similar to race in humans. Terrcia - Terrcians have short coarse coats and are a little heftier than the average Vyuunic with sorter feathers. They live in open areas and have a tendency to have a large presence in underground communities. Earth related magics respond to these Vyuunics more easily.
- Vyuunics live between 125-165 years. At the moment of death, their bodies will begin to decompose, but the magic in their blood will remain active for at least another two months. This can be dangerous for plants and wildlife if said body blood is exposed as it would be no longer regulated by the vessel, and may cause the ground to become temporarily toxic. The blood of a Vyuunic is iridescent indigo, once it has begun to deplete off the magic sstores it will become a pearly white. A sickly Vyuunic might have this color of blood, but rarely.
Name: Akkoi
Gender: Male
Species: Vyuunic
ID Number: #004
Designer: WaxBottle
Coloration: Tans and reds
Markings: Splash and spots
Special Traits:
- Horn: (one, common)
- Tail: Straight, Longfeather (common)
Alignment-Terrain: Terrcia - Open Terrain (common)
Personality: Akkoi is strongly loyal, ignoring any kind of ideas that may differ from those of the people he trusts and protects. He is incredibly adventurous, and loves going on odd quests to help people or just to overcome some fantastic feat.
Life: He lives on Domum, and though he travels all around, he does own a home on the southern tip of [country here].
History: Akkoi was born in Vayuss, as were all
Vyuunics, but when he was very young, he fell
into a spontaneous portal that warped him to the
incredibly unstable planet of Domum, where he now
lives with and amongst many other confused and unhomed
beings, creatures, and outcasts.